Enrolment options

 Welcome to the 2023 Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): Transportation Injury in Forensic Medicine. Thank you for joining this course. This is the first MOOC run from Department of Forensic Medicine and Medico Legal. This lecture was prepared as a response to the Ministry of Education and Culture's program on Independent Learning. Transportation Injury in Forensic Medicine was run prior to elective module, with the limitation of quota was only 40 students. As MOOC, many more students can participate in this course.

This course weighed 3 credits, with 3 weeks duration.  All of the activity, including lectures, group discussions, practical works, assignments, and mini quiz in this course will be run fully online. Synchronous and asynchronous methods will be used. The students can freely carry out activities according to their time. However, mini quizzes as well as final examination, will be scheduled at the end of the week.

09 Januari 2023