Yayi Suryo Prabandari, Dra. M.Si., Ph.D
NIDN: 0015116404,
Phone 62-274-551409; Fax 62 274 551410
Secretariat of Graduate Program on Public Health, Majoring on Health Behavior and Promotion, 3rd Floor Public Health Building, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta
DR. Ira Paramastri, M.Si
dr. Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi, MPH, Ph.D
dr. Lutfan Lazuardi, M.Kes, Ph.D
- Susi Ari Kristina, S.Farm, Apt., MPH, Ph.D
- Ign. Gonggo Prihatmono, SKM, M.Kes
Bagas Suryo Bintoro
This course will provide an introduction of comprehensive research methods in public health, with emphasis on research method that need for conducting health promotion study. To be able to learn the methods of research as a whole, this course contains topics that describe general steps in conducting a study. Students will learn research methods emphasis on quantitative methods that include observational or experimental. In addition, students will be introduced to qualitative research methods. Students will also be encouraged to improve their ability to critically assess the public health researches specifically that would be cited in the research being conducted. Across lecture combined with a tutorial, reading assignments and exercises, students will gain an understanding of the essence and the essential elements of a health research community, as well as having the opportunity to practice developing draft research proposal
The aims of this course are:
- Discuss steps to conduct a health promotion research
- Demonstrate on how to develop a health promotion research proposal
After completing this course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Formulate a feasible research problem and can be studied empirically, based on relevant background
- Create research questions, formulate operational hypotheses that can be tested, based on the theoretical containing relevant, logical and systematic premises
- Identifying construct and variables involved in the study, based on the formulation of the hypothesis, and to develop an operational definition of these variables,
- Apply the appropriate instruments to measure variables, according to the operational definition of each variable
- Assess the validity and reliability of research instrument
- Propose a suitable study design to answer the research problem that has been formulated,
- Plan a sampling technique appropriate to the characteristics of the study population,
- Practice on presenting and interpreting the results
- Understand and apply ethical issues in the conduct of research and to critically assess the results of previous studies presented in different scientific media
Attendance and contribution in class 40 %
Individual assignment (final assignment) 60 %
---------------------------------------------------------- +
Total : 100 %
Course citizenship
We believe that learning is a collaborative enterprise among teacher, tutor and student. For that reason, I expect that all of us will make thoughtful, informed, and productive contributions to class, both during class discussions and also in the GAMEL block discussion. These contributions should not merely be stating your view but also responding to the views of others, making connections among course texts, proposing specific interpretations of course readings, offering thoughtful probing questions that can advance and deepen our discussions, especially during tutorial sessions. Please do not dominate conversation or discussion; and be aware of the frequency of your contributions and be courteous of others’ right to speak. For those of you, who rarely contribute verbally to class discussions; challenge yourself to step outside your “comfort zone”, such as into the GAMEL block discussion.
Please observe the following classroom etiquette:
Smartphones, cell phones, and other personal electronic devices should not be used and should be in the “off” position.
Laptops should not be used during classroom discussion. If you wish to take notes during lecture, you may do so. Please note that “web surfing” is not allowed during class at any time during lecture session.
Avoid distracting others if you must eat or drink. Clean up after yourself!
Late work
For every day after the deadline of the take home exam, a half-grade penalty will be applied to the student’s grade. The class discussion questions and reflections will not be accepted after the due date.
There is no automatic ‘grade of incomplete’. Students are expected to complete all course assignments and exams on schedule by the end of a semester. An incomplete may be given only when a student has met the attendance requirement (minimal 80% of the class sessions) but certain course assignments have not been completed for reasons satisfactory to the instructor (i.e.: sickness).
To request an incomplete the student must contact the course instructor no later than one week before final examination. To remove ‘an incomplete’, you will need to coordinate with the instructor a date and time within 12 months after the last day of the course to submit the required work.
Missing exams
For the in-class mid-term and final examination, there will be no make-up exams for schedule conflicts. If you have a conflict of schedule on the day of exams, you are required to notify the course instructor or teaching assistant at least five days prior to the exam. Rescheduling of your exams will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Citations and original work
Citations should be included with any material in which the original research, ideas, or interpretations are not your own. Citations should be in Harvard format. If you have any questions about citations, please contact your teaching assistant.
The best ideas are not created in isolation but are the results of interaction, discussion, debate, and revision. Therefore the collaboration is encouraged. However, when submitting written work that is the product of collaboration, all work must be in your own words. You should be aware the rule of plagiarism. Our GAMEL software is capable to identify this rule as well.
We expect that students will be present, both mentally and physically, for all class meetings (minimum 80% of the sessions). One absence per semester is permitted; absence in excess of this limit must be accompanied by written explanation. I will judge each case on its own merit, and student’s grade may be negatively affected by excessive absence without cause.
Course Format
Course activity covers lecture, tutorial or laboratory exercise and independent study by student (assignment). The lectures will be delivered through direct ‘face to face’ in class, including some of tutorial related to laboratory exercise. Students are required to attend directly in the class.
Lectures, Discussions and Quizzes
All of the lectures can be found under content on the GAMEL site. All of discussions, including homework discussions, can be found under discussions on the GAMEL. All of quizzes, including exams, can be found under quizzes on the GAMEL site.
Mandate for turning in assignments
1. Every assignment must be typed in Microsoft Word. Hand written assignments will not be accepted.
2. Page layout margins must be ‘Normal’ i.e., 1 inch’’ on all sides.
3. The font style must be Courier New and the font size should be 11 pt.
4. The spacing between lines in a paragraph must be 1.5.
5. Each question number on the assignment must be in BOLD and there must be at least a double space between each question.
6. Every page of the assignment must have the student’s full name and page number.
7. Assignment must be saved with the student’s full name and the assignment number before turning it in on GAMEL.
Students and faculty have a shared commitment to the UGM’s mission, values and oath.
Each student is obliged to:
a. the values of all Gadjah Mada University's;
b. understand and uphold the vision, mission, and objectives of the University;
c. maintain the good name, dignity, and the dignity of the University to comply with all regulations or decisions that set the University;
d. honor and obey academic honesty;
e. carry out academic activities in a responsible manner;
f. carry out the tasks entrusted by the University in a responsible manner;
g. respect Lecturer, Personnel, and fellow students;
h. maintain a professional relationship with the Lecturer, Personnel, and fellow students;
i. foster and maintain the unity of the citizens of academicians;
j. respect differences of opinion and forward the deliberations;
k. upholding the academic freedom that is responsible, maintain and advance the science,
technology, arts, and culture; and / or
l. appreciate the invention or work of others.
Each student is forbidden: do plagiarism, which include but are not limited to:
i. cites concepts, ideas, paraphrasing, images, tables, charts, and / or data without mentioning the source;
ii. submit and / or publish academic works partly or wholly the same as has been done the other party;
iii. claimed the work of others as his own work;
iv. provide work to other parties to be submitted as an academic assignment and / or to be published; and / or
v. collects the same work / academic work for different subjects (otoplagiarism or self-plagiarism);
b. to commit academic fraud measures, which include but are not limited to:
i. be a student in a way that is not right or cheatting;
ii. open, read, and / or cite writings contained in books, other documents / or documents and / or electronic media in examinations that are closed book;
iii. collaborate with other participants in the test;
iv. falsify and manipulate data;
v. falsifying signatures in the document; and / or
vi. do the task or replace others in the exam, lab work, and / or other academic activities; express, act, and / or not to prevent actions that could undermine the peace of the University;
d. do or do not prevent actions that could damage the good name, dignity, and the dignity of the
University, either directly or indirectly;
e. acts that may affect the learning process and the results of academic assessment by lecturer;
f. on behalf of the University without the approval of the Executive Board;
g. use of academic titles that is not right;
h. damaging the facilities of the University;
i. disturbing security, safety, and comfort of the University;
j. pollute the University environment; do not smoke in the campus and should move to be non-
smoker as a public health expert candidate
k. breaches lectures and learning contract disciplinary;
l. committing a crime;
m. sexual misconduct;
n. involved in the distribution, use, and / or trafficking of narcotics, psychotropic substances, and
other additives (drug); and / or
o. enrolled as a student at two (2) or more courses at the University of Gadjah Mada in the same
study period.
Academic Integrity
Students are required to adhere to the UGM Code, available online at htttp://