Siswanto Agus Wilopo, Professor, MD, SU, MSc, ScD
Phone: 62-274-565076; Fax: 62-274-548156
Secretariat of Graduate Program on Public Health, Majoring on Maternal and Child Health-Reproductive Health,
1st Floor Public Health Building, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta
This course is an overview of public health as a scientific discipline. The emergence and milestone of conceptual theories and practices of public health are discussed with real cases relevant to developing countries. Methods of the delivery of topics covered in the course include lectures, and home works or assignments.
- To develop an understanding of health problems of communities and how to cope with them.
- To understand the process of change, to define where we came from, and to try to understand where we are going.
- To describe, analyze, prescribe, and justify interventions to protect and improve the health of populations and of individuals and monitor the outcomes of interventions.
- To describes communicable diseases and programs for their prevention, control, elimination, and eradication.
- Introduction to health in the family context
- To quality health care for all is a basic principle.
- Student will be able to understand a new concept of public health
- Student competence to solve public health problems that they face using a new concept of public health