Memahami kesehatan reproduksi remaja dan remaja akhir, Menjelaskan masalah kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan, Menjelaskan masalah aborsi yang tidak aman, Menjelaskan tentang penyakit infeksi menular seksual seperti HIV, M enjelaskan tentang praktik aborsi tradisional yang berbahaya, Menjelaskan tentang kekerasan berbasis gender dan penggunaan narkoba. Memahami bahwa anak muda memiliki kerentanan spesifik dan cenderung untuk terlibat dalam perilaku berisiko. M ampu m emberik an layanan kesehatan reproduksi ramah remaja. Mampu mempromosikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja. Mampu menerapkan Manajemen Program Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja dan Remaja Akhir
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every day in 2017, around 810 women died from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Ninety-four percent (94%) of maternal deaths occur in low and lower middle-income countries (WHO, 2019). Women die due to complications during pregnancy. Some may exist before pregnancy and worsened during pregnancy, especially if not managed as part of woman’s care. Most complications can be prevented and treated. Maternal care before, during and after birth by trained health workers can save mothers and newborns.
Aims of the Course
This course provide an introduction to the main technical term and topics that form the basis for understanding contemporary challenges related to reproductive health. All students in this MCH-RH concentration must know basic facts about reproductive anatomy and physiology, pregnancy, contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted disease, and maternal mortality in order to translate them into effective public health policies and program
This course provide an introduction to the main technical term and topics that form the basic for understanding contemporary challenges related to population family health. All student in thia MCH-RH concetration must know basic fact demographic measures, describe population, and source of demographic data
Stata is a computer program designed to perform various statistical procedures. Among the basic statistical procedures that can be performed are the following: calculation of summary measures, construction of graphs, and frequency distribution using contingency tables. Furthermore, using Stata, you can perform parameter estimation in generalized linear models and survival analysis models using uncorrelated and correlated data. The program also has the ability to perform arithmetic operations on matrices. Its ability to export and import databases in the Excel format gives Stata great versatility. This program is regularly used in biostatistics courses in public health schools in different countries. It is also often cited as one of the main programs used for statistical analysis in scientific publications related to public health research.
Course Description and Prerequisites:
Demography is the study of the size and characteristics of human populations, methods of population measurement and the changes in population dynamics. The most important aspect of a population is its age structure. Because the probabilities of marrying, giving birth, migrating, and dying vary significantly by age, demographic rates are commonly age-specific. The key demographic rates used to characterize population dynamics are fertility, mortality, and migration. Age distributions, sex ratio, marriage and divorce rates, and social mobility can be used to further explore population change.
Demography – health statistics address the global and local burden of disease and the growth, structure, change of human populations, as well as both determinants and the consequences of changes of sexual and reproductive behavior, includes on how to determine population health status using census and survey as will be discussed in the class. Training in sociology, economics, and statistics is incorporated with training in demography, the core discipline underlying population studies.
Course Description and Prerequisites:
This course provides students with an overview of the health, social, economic and environmental issues currently affecting women of reproductive age, infants and children. This addresses major issues in child and adolescent health in the Indonesia and the LDC, including interactions among children, their families, and the social environment. The course explains demographics, health status, health care access & use, and outstanding issues of different life stages. It also introduces research issues in maternal and child health. The course emphasizes on planning, performing, and evaluating health policy and program.
Expected Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, each student should possess the following areas of subject mastery:
- Student should be able to on address main five main issues on MCH: a) foundations of MCH, b) nutrition and health maintenance, c) health of school children and children with special needs, d) behavioral issues, and e) international child health, especially in the LDCs.
- Able to describe normal patterns of development and identify the medical, environmental, behavioral and psychological influences on the health of women, infants and children.
- Able to detail demographics, health status, health access and use, and outstanding issues of each life stages.
- Able to describe the major health problems associated with pregnancy, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and the child-bearing years, including those of children with special health care needs.
- Able to perform thorough assessment on health problems and needs and utilize it for program development.
- Understand the process of program implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
- Understand the process of advocacy and policy development in Maternal and Child Health.
Course Coordinator: Prof. dr. Siswanto Agus Wilopo, SU, MSc, ScD
Course Description:
Population and family health is an approach to health that aims to improve the health of the entire population and to reduce health inequities among population and family groups. In order to reach these objectives, it looks at and acts upon the broad range of factors and conditions that have a strong influence on our health. A population health approach reflects a shift in our thinking about how health is defined. The population health approach is positioned in the public health service as a unifying force for the entire spectrum of health system interventions -from prevention and promotion to health protection, diagnosis, treatment and care - and integrates and balances action between them. The approach is integral to the government’s role of improving the health of people.
The notion of health as a positive concept signifying more than the absence of disease and infirmity, led initially to identifying it as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The population health approach recognizes that health is a capacity or resource rather than a state, a definition which corresponds more to the notion of being able to pursue one's goals, to acquire skills for works and education, and to grow. This broader notion of health recognizes the range of social, economic and physical environmental factors that contribute to health. The best articulation of this concept of health is "the capacity of people to adapt to, respond to, or control life's challenges and changes". A population and family health approach has the potential to not only improve health status, but to contribute to the overall sustainability of the health care system. This course covers topics on concepts of health and its determinants; assessing and measuring health status at the population and family levels; interventions at the population and family levels; and administration of effective health programs at the population and family levels.
Course Aims/Objectives:
This course will enable student to focus on the health status and inequities of populations and families health, address the determinants of health and their interactions, makes decisions based on evidence, apply multiple strategies for the intervention, employ mechanisms for public involvement, collaborates across sectors and levels, increases upstream investments and demonstrate accountability for health outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Assesses health status over the lifespan at the population and family levels.
- Evaluate the determinants of health and their interactions to health status and inequities at population and family levels.
- Assess the importance of evidences of health status, the determinants of health and the effectiveness of interventions for assessing health inequities
- Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions for identifying priorities, policies and strategies to improve population and family health.
- Construct diagram of framework which integrate activities across a wide range of interventions, from health care to prevention, protection, health promotion and action on the determinants of health.
- Formulate the importance of citizens that should be provided opportunities to contribute to the development of health priorities and the review of health-related outcomes.
- Argue the importance of shared responsibility and accountability for health outcomes with sectors and levels whose activities directly or indirectly impact on health or the factors known to influence it.
- Justify the improvement of population health is maximized by directing increased efforts and investments 'upstream' to maintain health and address the root causes of health and illness.
- Interpret health outcomes are actually attributed by health and social-economic interventions which parts of social-determinants of health.
Course Coordinator:
dr. Ova Emilia, SpOG, M.M.Ed, PhD.
Course Description:
The present course covers an introduction to the main technical terms and topics that form the basis for understanding contemporary challenges related to reproductive health.
Reproductive health is a multidisciplinary field of inquiry and practice concerned with a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive health system and its functions and processes.
General Education Objectives:
The primary goal of this course is to deliver the basic knowledge about reproductive anatomy and physiology, pregnancy, contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, and maternal mortality to the student, in order to translate them into effective public health policies and programs.