Course Description and Prerequisites:
Demography is the study of the size and characteristics of human populations, methods of population measurement and the changes in population dynamics. The most important aspect of a population is its age structure. Because the probabilities of marrying, giving birth, migrating, and dying vary significantly by age, demographic rates are commonly age-specific. The key demographic rates used to characterize population dynamics are fertility, mortality, and migration. Age distributions, sex ratio, marriage and divorce rates, and social mobility can be used to further explore population change.
Demography – health statistics address the global and local burden of disease and the growth, structure, change of human populations, as well as both determinants and the consequences of changes of sexual and reproductive behavior, includes on how to determine population health status using census and survey as will be discussed in the class. Training in sociology, economics, and statistics is incorporated with training in demography, the core discipline underlying population studies.